Derrick Greenspan

Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Central Florida

Greetings! I am Dr. Derrick Greenspan. I am a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Central Florida (UCF) in Dr. Jongouk Choi's lab.
I graduated with my PhD in Computer Science in May 2024 from UCF as a member of the ARPERS lab.
I also obtained my Bachelors in Computer Science in Fall 2016, and my Masters in Computer Science in Spring 2019 at UCF as well, which makes me an "Ultimate Knight".

My work focuses on persistent memory (PM) support in Operating Systems and compilers.

My advisors during my PhD career were Dr. Mark Heinrich and Dr. Yan Solihin.

My CV can be found here.



The best way to contact me is via email.
E-mail: derrick.greenspan(at)!
